Help The Redonas With Medical And Funeral Costs
The Vernon Police Officers Association is requesting your support, prayers, and donations on behalf of Officer Bryan Redona and his family. Bryan and Erika are valued members of our police department family and are in dire need of our assistance. Bryan and Erika have known each other for many years and are set to celebrate their three year wedding anniversary on July 3, 2021. Since mid 2020, Erika has been in and out of the hospital battling a very rare autoimmune disease, and unfortunately she was recently given a terminal diagnosis. Because of hospital Covid-19 restrictions, Erika and Bryan have been away from each other for the past 6 weeks, while she was in the hospital. Now, she's home and only has several days left to spend with Bryan, and their family.
This fundraiser is presented in order to help the Redonas pay for any un-covered medical bills, as well as anticipated funeral expenses. No one should have to go through this experience and then have to worry about the financial strains that an unexpected death bestows upon a family. This is a very difficult time for all and we are praying for strength and peace for the Redona family. We respectfully ask that you please help the Redona Family with any monetary donation.
To make a donation, click HERE.
Be well, stay safe, and God bless.