Diecast Replicas Fundraiser
The VPOBA will be selling a scaled down model replica of our PD unit. These diecast replicas would be perfect gifts for the holiday season. The Association has purchased (50) 5” and 8” models. We are selling the 5” model for $30 and 8” model for $55.
All orders are customizable and can include name, rank, badge and serial number on each unit’s storage display box. The buyer can even change the actual unit number to reflect whatever symbol or number you want! If you would like to purchase a replica, please submit payment via PayPal. Once a payment is confirmed, the buyer will receive a call from a member of the VPOBA to confirm their customizable order. Orders will be sent to the vendor every Thursday night, at which point it will be estimated 4 to 6 week delivery time frame.
All payments will be paid directly to the Association using our existing PayPal, which can be found HERE.