About Us
The Vernon Police Officers’ Benefit Association was founded in 1973 and recognized by the City of Vernon in 1973 as the bargaining group representing all sworn members of the Vernon Police Department below the rank of lieutenant. Our goal in the Vernon Police Officers’ Benefit Association is to partner with the community to provide quality police services and to ensure each of our members have the training, equipment and support necessary to safely and efficiently serve our community. Members of Vernon Police Officers’ Benefit Association have proudly served the Vernon community for over 40 years.
Our Mission
The mission of the Vernon Police Department is to provide swift, skillful and responsive law enforcement services to the people and businesses of our community through the application of proactive problem-solving strategies and the development of equal partnerships with the people we serve.
We will seek to ensure a sense of well-being in the community, guided by our commitment to working closely with our industrial population. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest degree of professionalism and ethical standards in our pursuit of this mission, ever mindful of the need to safeguard the individual liberties of all members of the community.
We will seek to ensure a sense of well-being in the community, guided by our commitment to working closely with our industrial population. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest degree of professionalism and ethical standards in our pursuit of this mission, ever mindful of the need to safeguard the individual liberties of all members of the community.
Statement of Values
We share a commitment to ethical conduct by all members of the Department. We value truthfulness and honesty, and consider them vital to our organization. We are committed to ethical conduct by all members of our Department, and to the highest standards of moral character in serving our community. We are committed to justice and fairness, and will abide by the law enforcement code of ethics, doing what is right in all matters personal and professional.
Quality Service
Service to the Community is paramount. We value the opportunity to provide service which is courteous, responsive, firm, efficient and fair. We regard the members of our community as partners and indispensable resources in a combined policing effort. Respect for the individual worth, dignity, and rights of all those we serve will be paramount as we strive to carry out our mission of enhancing public safety, reducing crime and reducing the fear of crime.
We are committed to community betterment by creating an environment of teamwork, innovation and continuing professional development. We pursue excellence with honor and vitality. Our professionalism dictates critical self-appraisal and objective analysis, with a commitment to community betterment. We encourage professionalism by creating an environment that promotes teamwork, innovation, and continuing professional development through quality recruitment, education, and training.
Our greatest asset is our people. We value our fellow employees as the most important organizational asset. We realize that success depends on mutual respect, cooperation and recognition of all members of the Department. All employees will receive equitable and fair treatment and be provided the proper tools and training necessary to meet organizational goals and objectives.
We are open to new ideas, methodologies, and technologies in our efforts to prevent crime and solve community problems. In support of our commitment to the community, we are dedicated to providing our employees with the finest safety equipment, the latest technology, and associated support. We understand that creativity and a willingness to look outside the Department for solutions to problems is critical to our success. We will work closely with the community and other agencies to identify ideas, programs, resources and ways to deliver services that will enhance the safety of the community.